While it’s part of the basic Markdown spec, embedding raw HTML is not allowed, to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. Using Slack, GitHub, and other.

Slack off (on something) — ˌslack ˈoff (on sth) derived to do sth more slowly or with less energy than before. He s gone from success to success in. This is probably a coincidence, but after Mattermost announced markdown support last week, Slack announced the same feature yesterday. StackEdit is a powerful online Markdown editor. Like Dillinger, it loads right in your web browser, so there’s no need to download and install an application on your computer.StackEdit has a wide variety of features and configurable options for power users, making it in many ways a better all-around option than comparable desktop applications.

10.3 Markdown in Slack

Slack uses a simplified “flavor” of Markdown. All of the available Markdown syntax characters are included below.

10.3.1 Styling Text

Text can be styled using bold and italics To create bold text, wrap your text with a single pair of asterisks *text*. To create bold text, wrap your text with a single pair of underscores _text_. Strike through text can be created by wrapping your text with a single pair of tildes ~text~.



Note that the use of single asterisks is frustratingly non-standard for Markdown. In the original Markdown spec (see Markdown), *text* was reserved for italicized text. Here it is used for bold, and an underscore is used for italicized. This inconsistency has not gone unnoticed by Markdown’s creator, John Gruber, who tweeted this in 2015:

(???) Like I said, Slack has its collective head up its ass regarding text formatting.

— John Gruber ((???)) November 6, 2015

10.3.2 Quoting Text

Quoting text is done with a greater then symbol (>).


Html To Slack Markdown


10.3.3 Quoting Code

There are two types of code quotes in Slack’s flavor of Markdown. When you create reproducible examples (see Getting Help) and ask questions, please try to use the in-line and code block syntax as much as possible - it makes questions much easier to read! In-Line Code

In-line quotes, which are included in a sentence, are wrapped in single backticks:


Output: Code Blocks

To include code blocks, which are better for including the full syntax of particular commands and their output, use triple backticks:



Html To Slack Markdown Format

Note that we do not include the name of the language that the code is written in, as we do in standard Markdown. Slack does not include syntax highlighting and it will instead include any text written on the same line of the top row of backticks as output. If the code block is more than a few lines long, however, I suggest looking at other options for posting code (see next section on Posting Text and Code).